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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Another Week Come & Gone

Another week has come & Gone. After our hospital trip last Thursday ( the 17th of sept. ) we
were told that we would not make it through another week without dilivering...well I'm still pregnant. LOL...I think Adrian is telling all of us "Hey I choose when I'm coming out "...and choosing he is. Tomorrow is the 4 year anniversary of my Daddy's death, I had jokingly said on several occassions " watch we will have Adrian on that day "...Truth is I would prefer that, It hurts to face the day knowing what it is, but I honestly believe adding something positive to the day with give me joy. I miss Daddy so much, Lord knows I wish he were here....I only have one picture of Dad & of Mom, and I hope to be able to share it with Adrian & George when they get older and tell them all the great things I remember about their grandpa. George Ellis was named after him. Adrian Dahey will be named after his Great Uncle Adriano aka RIP and his Daddy. Daddy's middle name is David and Dahey is the Irish form of David :) ...Til next entry....

Sunday, September 20, 2009

37 Weeks

We are 37 weeks Today!!

Another Crazy Week!!

Woke up around 6 am Thursday the 17th with some scattered contractions. Didn't really think anything of it, I hadn't really lost my plug. By 3 that afternoon they were closer together but still not steady. Then around 6 Pm I noticed they were steady, a little more intense and every 3 - 4 minutes apart! At first I thought "Ok, I'm timing wrong, They can't be every 3 already. " but turns out they were. So called Toni and went to the hospital! I was dialated 3 CM when I got there and was 70 % efaced... I was shocked but so happy thinking we were only hours from having our newest addition, our sweet Adrian Dahey would soon be here to meet us!

I was taken to Labor room 2 and after a few hours the contractions just stopped! So they checked me and I was 4 cm but still only 70 % efaced and he was still pretty high up but they decided to keep me overnight to be safe. The CDC had started a new "Rule" that anyone under the age of 17 could not visit. So as of the 18th George will not be able to attend his baby brothers birth as planned...I was heartbroken!! Not only could he not be there for his brothers birth I wouldnt be able to see my big guy until I was released from the hospital! That's to much for me, thats my baby! I have to be able to see him. So we came up with a game plan, so that David would be able to attend Adrians birth and I would be able to see george. But more on that in a few....

On Friday our OB came in and talked to me around 6 am. She said that since my contractions have stopped and I haven't made any change in umpty hours she would let me go home, if after I walk around for an hour the contractions dont start back up. Although 36 weeks 5 days was good it was still considered to be pre-term. Christina came to see me around 8 am and I was a basket case! I was missing George & David bad...then all of a sudden Boom, there's a well no going home I thought. But after the one there were no more and so I thought Ok I'll still be going home....Nurse comes in around 9 and tells me, "Dr.Weise is coming in for a delivery in Labor Room 1 and after is going to break your water..." I was taken back...I thought whoah wait I thought she wanted us to try and carry til at least Sunday the 20th when i was officially 37 weeks.

So I called David updated him on the plan, called Toni since she was going to be with me through most of my labor and prepared myself mentally for the upcoming labor. So nurse comes in shortly after 11 am and tells me that since I'm not contracting again that Dr.Weise wants me to walk and if I dont start on my own I will most likely be going home...Um What? Are you serious? I felt like I was going through the twilight minute Im going home, next she's breaking my water, then No, I'm going home! So I walked and Dr.Weise came and checked me shortly after 12 and we talked after she confermed there had been no change since 9 pm the night before, I was 4 cm and 70 possibly 75 % efaced. So we talked about the risks. Then we decided that I would go home with strict restrictions until Sunday. If I felt anything I was to be back there on the drop of a dime.

So here we are 2 days the later and I'm feeling some contractions, but still not enough to panic.We are in the process of moving in with Toni for a while and have our game plan in place. When we go to the hospital David will watch George for a while then Toni will take his place with George and David will join me, and Vise versa til it's almost time to deliver then it will be David with me and toni watching George so that David can be there when Adrian is Born! Then in a few hours after my epidural wears off I will be allowed to go to the Lobby and spend some time with George before he & Daddy go home. I'll be able to see him, David will get to see Adrian born and Toni will be a part of it as well. Only regret is George wont get to meet his new baby brother until the days we are released from the hospital and Go home...But I know It will all work out...Just have to believe and put my faith In GOD's hands.
Here are a few pics from our hospital trip....Til Next Entry XoXo

Getting All Hooked Up....

Was having a Contraction
Daddy & George heading Home...Poor Georgie was so beat!

My poor arm from the IV and the attempts at placing It

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Solo Steps

Yesterday I was telling my husband about the first time my daughter Trinity walked. She would always hold onto things to cruise,never letting go until one day she just let go and went for it. I then said watch one day George will do that, when we least expect it, he will just walk. Well imagine our surprise when last night, hours after I made that comment, he stood against the ottoman, looked at his daddy who was about 5 or 6 steps away and walked to him!! No warning, he just let go and walked all by himself to his dad and then beamed with pride. My lil man is walking!! I knew it was a matter of time since he has been cruising for over a month but it took me by surprise, his daddy too.

Our son never stops amazing us, from his silly faces, his lil attitude to his bravery. George is a blessing we never thought we would have. After the losses we faced we truly didn't know if we would ever be blessed with a child and now we have this amazing lil boy and will soon be welcoming a second son into our family. I can't even begin to explain the emotions I feel everyday, thanking GOD for each and every day, for this family he has given to me, to us.

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Welcome to my Blogs! I am Mom DragonHeart aka Florence or MamaItalia3. I am a Proud stay @ home mom of 4 boys. My youngest just born Nov 15,2012! I am easy going & fun loving...want to know more? Just ask! lol Want to contact me? or for Blankets Made With Love
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